
We’re the GRATITUDE GANG, and we’re on a mission to transform every child’s mental health journey into a healthy, joy-filled adventure.

Through youth-driven programs and community efforts, we're nurturing the resilience and joy of young minds, empowering children with opportunities that help them bounce back and shine brighter.
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Group photo of Gratitude Gang holding sunflowers

Our Story

We’re living gratitude in big, bold ways that change lives.

Our journey kicked off in the most unexpected of places—on social-audio app Clubhouse! 

It all began with Dr. Erwin Benedict Valencia, a High-Performance coach, “The Godfather of Gratitude,” and the former Director of Training and Conditioning for the New York Knicks. 

gratitude gang posing with open arms
portrait of erwin, the founder of gratitude gangerwin valencia, former New York Knicks' wellness coach
Gratitude Gang celebrating on a stage

Erwin’s passion for positivity and well-being ignited a spark that would soon become a community of changemakers. He hosted gratitude sessions on Clubhouse, which quickly blossomed into a community with a shared desire to bring more positivity into the world.

Inspired by this collective energy, the Gang dove into Web3 and launched NFTs to start a fundraiser to rebuild schools decimated by natural calamities in underserved communities around the Philippines. 

We continued to grow the community to celebrate gratitude and turn it into action.  

sunflower nft vault
sunflower nftgolden ticket nfthappy sunflower skull nftengkanto sunflower nftsunflower sho nftblack sunflower with hat nft
gratitude gang community outreach
gratitude gang founder posing with childrena man with santa hat giving away presents to a community

Fast forward to today, GRATITUDE GANG has evolved from a community of gratitude enthusiasts into a dynamic force for good. 

We’re now lifting up children in the most vulnerable communities in the Philippines with vital mental health support through innovative youth-driven programs and partnerships with local nonprofits. 

Our story continues to unfold with every child we reach and every life we touch. 

And guess what? There’s plenty of room for you in this story! So hop in, and let’s make waves of gratitude together.

gratitude gang holding sunflowerserwin holding a boquet of sunflowers

Our Mission

To empower young minds with the tools they need for resilience, emotional intelligence, and happiness, growing a generation that is not only mentally healthy but also deeply connected to the values of gratitude, positivity and community spirit.

Our Vision

We aspire for a future where children from all backgrounds thrive in an environment full of love, understanding and positive mental health practices. We aim to achieve this by creating a community that recognizes the importance of mental well-being for children and actively contributes to their development.

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